Newspaper "tidbits" of towns in Lincoln County, Washington.......

(Listed chronologically  by date.  New items will be added periodically.)  

Submitted by Barbara Curtis


Happenings at....Small Towns




Cheney Free Press, August 20,1926   

...Mr. and Mrs. BRINER from California are visiting Mr. Briner's father ALVA

...Mrs. BREEDEN of Mount Vernon, Mo., arrived recently to pay a visit to her son, E. H. BREEDEN and family.

...Miss CLARK from Seattle is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. JOHN LEE.  Last week Miss Clark and Mrs. Lee went to Fairfield to visit with other relatives.

...E. L. PETTENGER, the station agent, narrowly escaped serious accident Friday when cranking the railway pup engine.  The engine "kicked" throwing Mr. Pittenger on his head and shoulder in such a way as to injure him rather painfully, but not seriously.

...Miss EVA SMITH, who has been employed in Spokane, during the summer vacation has returned to her home.  She spent last week at the J. A. HUMBERT home.

...J. M. MASON and FRANK LOUTHAN drove to Rosalia last week to visit with their old friend. DAVE YOUNG, formerly of Cheney, who is ill.  Later the E. H. BREEDEN family and Mrs. J. M> MASON visited Mr. Young.

...WALTER MOORE of Vancouver, Wa., has been spending some time in Cheney and in Amber, with his wife's parents Mr. and Mrs. JAMES ALLEN.

...Mrs. HOWARD KEACH ( HILDA HOOPINGARNER) of Indiana, who has been spending the summer with her mother in California, arrived Saturday evening to visit with her brother, R. T. HOOPINGARNER.

...Mrs. E. L. PITTENGER came from Spokane Friday to spend the weekend with her husband.

...The S. R. CALVERT threshing machine started work in Lance Hills Saturday.

...Mr and Mrs. A. A. STRICKER arrived Monday and moved into the teacher's cottage.  Mr. STRICKER has been elected superintendent of the Amber schools for the coming year.

...Mrs. M. L. PECK entertained the ladies of the sewing clubs of Tyler, Fishtrap, Nigger Creek and Amber Thursday night.

...D. H. YOUNG, Cheney pioneer, who came to this territory 40 years ago, has been critically ill with cancer at Rosalia.  Little hope is held for his recovery.  Mr. Young was in the transfer business at one time in Cheney.


Cheney Free Press, Nov 06, 1931  

...JENS WEISMANN, accompanied by JAMES LARSON and other Spokane friends left Friday on a deer hunt at Republic.

...FRANK AHIFF, who has been visiting at the DARE home left Friday to spend a few days at the FRANK WILTZEUS'.

...MYRTLE CALVERT spent Thursday night at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. FRANK GARNER.

...The following were guests for the day at the MILTON SHOWALTER home: Mrs. JOE WRIGHT and Mr. and Mrs. LUKE BEST and two children, all of Spokane.

...Mr. and Mrs. LEE ALLEN and two children spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives in Spokane.

...MAE VISBY of Othello spent several days last week visiting at the home of her mother, OLINE VISBY, and with her sisters in Cheney and Spokane.  NELLIE LACRUMP accompanied her back to Othello.

...ORVILLE MACEY is helping with the work at the CHARLES CORLEY place this week while Mr. CORLEY and son KENNETH are hunting in the Okanogan country.  

...L. SMITH of Kennewick was a Sunday overnight guest at the home of his daughter, MRS. ALBERT FALK.

...ADOLPH VISBY returned home Sunday from Yakima where he has been delivering apples from the orchard to the warehouse.  

...SALMER VISBY, accompanied by Solo Giroux of Othello returned home the first of the week from Yakima where he has been packing and loading apples.

...LOTTIE LOUTHAN was home from Spokane Thursday afternoon.  She and her parents and FRED HANSEN were Thursday dinner guests at the NEFF HUMBERT home.

...Mrs. HANES CUNNINGHAM and two daughters of Fairfield were weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. Cunninghams's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JOHN LEE.

...Mr. and Mrs. NEFF HUMBERT and daughter Lois and EARL VOSS were Sunday guests for the day at the M. MASON home.  The men hunted pheasants.


Cheney Free Press, Nov 06, 1931   

...Mrs. RAYMOND CALVERT gave a dinner Saturday in honor of RAY CALVERT's birthday.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. ARCHIE CALVERT and their children of Spokane, MARIA CALVERT, Mrs. KIRGBAUM and Mr. and Mrs. RAYMOND CALVERT.

...Mrs. ALBERT FALK and children spent Sunday afternoon at the VISBY home.  BAARD VISBY and ALBERT FALK hunted pheasants.




The Davenport Times-Tribune, November 10, 1921       

...Miss MARGARET TELFORD spent the weekend in Bluestem with friends and relatives, returning Sunday evening to their work at Cheney normal school.

...WILLIAM BLACK entered the Bluestem high school Monday.

...The plastering of the new cottage for the teachers was begun today.  Three men are employed at the work.


The Davenport Times-Tribune, October 26, 1921       

...Bluestem Grange news...Mrs. R. W. ELLIOTT reporter.....Bluestem Grange met Oct 20th for the 201sat regular meeting...Mrs. TOM McLAIN is the Juvenile Matron and Mrs. SAM SCHULTZ is Assistant....C. W. GILSTRAP reported....delightful refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. OLIN JAMES, Mr. and Mrs. HANS SORENSON, Mr. and Mrs. CARL OLSON and ALVIN KOCH




The Lincoln County Times, Jul 21, 1901

...Miss EMMA ADAMS is home for  the summer.

...Miss MAUD SMITH has gone for visit to Walla Walla.

...Mrs. PENNINGTON, of Sprague, is visiting with Mrs. ROCKHOLD.

...Mr. and Mrs. EDGAR WEBB are very proud of the arrival of a big boy, born the 13th inst.

...The dance last Saturday evening at West Crescent school house, was a success if numbers count.

...Mr. OSCAR GREEN and MAX CUNNINGHAM came home on a flying visit to take in the picnic and dance Saturday, returning to Larene saw mill Monday.




The Creston News, Dec 26,1913     

...Miss LUCY DESAUTEL, who has been working for Mrs. E. C. CAVES during her recent illness, returned home Monday afternoon.  E. E. is now playing housemaid.

...FRANK BALCOM of Peach, who has the KYLE Brothers place in the Cove leased for next season, came in Monday evening with a load of household goods and furniture , and Tuesday went over on the reservation after a load of hay.

...Mrs. J. R. POTTER visited Mrs. W. T. HILL and Mrs. C. E. CAVES Tuesday afternoon.

...Mr. FOSBURG on Tuesday took his wife, whose heart has been giving her a good deal of trouble lately, to see the doctor.

...W. T. HILL made a short visit at A. E. WYCOFF's up the river, Monday.

...JAMES DAY hauled some hay from Miles one day this week.

...FRANK BALCOM returned to Peach Wednesday.

...W. T. HILL was down to Spokane Rapids Wednesday, where the government has a force of men at work improving the river.

...Z. V. FOSBURG was repairing his telephone lateral Monday.

...Mrs. and W. T. HILL made a trip to Miles Friday forenoon, bringing back a Christmas tree with them.

...Mrs. J. R. POTTER and W. T. HILL and wife ate dinner with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Gibson Sunday.

...Mr. and Mrs. C. E. CAVES visited at Mr. FOSBURGS Sunday afternoon.

...Mr. and Mrs. JAMES DAY went to Miles Sunday afternoon.

...Mrs. J. R. POTTER was visiting at Mrs. Fosburg's and Mrs. W. T. HILL's Friday afternoon.

...G. M. GIBSON was cutting wood, Saturday, and incidentally taking exercise.*




The Davenport Tribune, January 17, 1907   

...JOHN VICK is down with the measles.

... J. J. SMOOT departed for his old home in Missouri Monday. 

.. PETE McCANN is still confined to his room from a severe attack of rheumatism.

... Representative J. J. CAMERON departed for Olympia Wednesday. 

... T .C. LAKIN, one of Lincoln County’s prosperous farmers, leaves for California soon.

... THOS CARDWELL is building a house on his ranch south of Harrington. 

... W. L. CROWELL grain buyer for the Orondo Shipping Co of this place, has gone to Seattle. 

... L. F. HAMERSCHMIDT, an old pioneer of Lincoln County, died at his home near Lamona Friday.


The Harrington Citizen, November 14, 1940  

---The REV.  BENJ. W. SCHULDREISZ arrived last week from Toledo, Oregon to assume the pastorate of the Zion Lutheran congregation at Lamona and the Emmanuel Lutheran congregation at Menno.  This is the Reverends third charge.  He served in Malta, Montana and Toledo.  He is married and has a daughter, Rhoda Ruh, age two. The family moved into the C. B. Phillips residence.  He will deliver his initial sermon to the Lamona congregation.....

---DON SWARTZ was an honored guest at a birthday party Saturday evening to which members of the senior class of the high school were invited.  The party was given i n the Commercial club room, and the twenty-four young people enjoyed an evening of dancing.  

---Mrs CARRA WOMACH passed away at her home here Sunday afternoon at two o'clock following a long illness



The Independent Times, Sprague, May 17, 1907     

...MRS. M. BLUNT visited Saturday with her daughter, near Edwall.

...Mr. and Mrs. C. K. BROWN visited at W. F. MERRICK's Saturday.

...CHARLES PRENTICE i s working on the road for T. BOX

...IDA JONES went to Cheney Saturday afternoon, returning Sunday.

...EULA LEE and ERMA LAWTON spent Saturday with the Box's family.

...J. W. LAWTON disposed of seven fine fat hogs in Sprague Tuesday.

...Mrs. BEWEICK has been on the sick list for a week.

...E. E. AMES bought two fine pigs from Mr. MALCOLM the first of the week.

...C. K. BROWN and family spent Sunday at W. LEE's and FRANK FOLSOM's.

...MARK PEASLEY has invested inn a new buggy.

...A brother-in-law of Mrs. LEE's from Spokane, visited with her Sunday.

...W. BARLOW unfortunately got a piece of steel in his eye and was obliged to go to the doctor...


Sprague Advocate, Jan 16, 1917

...E. W. GIBBS and wife of Malden have been here the past week visiting relatives and friends.

...C. K. BROWN and FRANK PEASLEY put up ice Friday and Saturday.

...JOHN BOGAL went to Spokane Saturday on a visit.

...MARK PEASLEY delivered some hay to Pence in Cheney Wednesday.

...HARRY BEWICK was sick a few days last week.

...Mr. and Mrs. C. K. BROWN spend Monday with BOB LEES in Tyler.


The Sprague Advocate, March 16, 1917     

...Mrs. LAWTON has a very sick horse this week.

...WM. SHOWALTER and family visited at THOS. BOX's Saturday.

...Mr. PARCELL sold a bunch of cattle Saturday to Mr. WOOD.

...MARK PEASLEY and family visited at C. K. BROWNs Sunday.

...The measles have about disappeared from this neighborhood.

...MORRIS MERRICK went down to Connell Saturday to look for a job.

...MRS. LES BROWN is improving slowly. She sat up awhile Sunday.

...FRED HAM and family visited over night Saturday at CHARLES PRENTICEs.

...MRS. C. C. HINTON was taken quite ill Saturday and DR. BITTNER was sent for.

...MR. MICKEY and wife and C. K. BROWN and wife visited at LES BROWNs Thursday.







The Lincoln County Times, July 19, 1901

...L. M. VOSE is remodeling his house.

...Miss ETA CROWLEY is making her old home a visit.

...Mr. CECIL JOLLIFF and WM. SHAFER took a fishing trip to Minnie Falls this week.

...Mr. FRED SAWYER was canvassing this vicinity last week with a cylinder wrench.

...Mr. LEWIS LACEY ate too many cherries last week, and in consequence is sick.

...Mr. THOMAS MORROW, wife and family were visiting in this vicinity on Sunday last.

...Messrs WM. PLUMLEE and RALPH GRAY took a business trip to Waverly the latter part of the week.

...Mr. ED HARMON has a new well drill.  Now if you want any swift well-drilling done, call...

...Mr. WM. HANLON entertained Mr. STANG's family one day last week by coasting down hill in an express wagon.

...Mr. CECIL JOLLIFF and WM. HANLON took tea with MICHAEL STACK and family on Saturday, and report a most enjoyable time.

...Mrs. WALTER ROBINSON and Miss EFFA SAWYER were in this neighborhood on Wednesday last, in search of flowers for Mr. LOWARY's funeral.  *





The Sprague Herald,  October 14, 1891        

...REV. CHARLES FORD preached his first sermon at Rockdale Sunday, October 11th. His discourses were listened to by a large and appreciative audience.

...Mrs. HENRIETTA BARNETT, wife of WM BARNETT, was buried at Rockdale Oct. 8th.  The funeral services were held at Tyler.  She had been sick with that dread disease spinal meningitis for about two months.  She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her loss.

...Mrs. E. H. STANTON, of Sprague is visiting friends at Rockdale.  Her son Freddie is with her and enjoys the freedom of the country greatly.

...D. K. MCDONALD, our popular assessor, made a flying visit to his farm on Sunday.   Mac says this year's crop makes him come pretty near being profane.

...Miss EMMA MISNER has issued invitations for a party to be held at the residence of her mother Oct 12th. All anticipate a merry time.

...Miss CARRIE VEST is teaching on Tucker's prairie, Spokane county.   Miss Vest has a well earned reputation as being a successful teacher.

...G. H. DUNELON, P. K. SPENCER and A. E. MISNER were elected delegates to the county convention of the Nation Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union, which meets at Davenport, Oct 12.




The Davenport Times-Tribune, Nov 14, 1939     

...David Kik and his daughter, Mrs. EMERSON BOYK and children visited last Monday afternoon with JOHN ZEIMANTZ at Mondovi.

...Miss MARIE LeCLAIRE of Calif. is visiting with MRS. PHOEBE YOUNG.

...Mr. and Mrs. ELMER REKER of Mondovi visited Sunday afternoon at the DAVID KIK home and his family.

...AUGUST TIMM, who purchased the Earl school house is having it moved to their place where they will make a house out of it.

...DAVID and WALTER KIK and Mrs. EMERSON BOYK and children were Spokane visitors Friday.

...Mr. and Mrs. JOHN VAN BRUNT and son from Cheney visited at the JAKE FICHTENBERG home Sunday.

...REV. and MRS. GEORGE RIEHLE and daughter, Mrs. CARL GREIG and children from Spokane, were visitors Sunday at the 50th anniversary of the Fourth Avenue ME Church, Spokane.

...Mr. and Mrs. ED MIELKE and children were also among the guests at the celebration in Spokane.

...Mr. and Mrs. L. E. ROOT are both ill, and their daughter Mrs. CARL GROB has been assisting with work during the time.

...The Quarterly conference was held at the Zion church Thursday afternoon with Dist. Supt. HAROLD of Spokane present.  REV. J. H. ERNEST, REV. ALBERTSON, and REV. ROUNDS all of Spokane were also visitors at this meeting.

...Mrs. FRED DIETRICH of Harrington visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. MAURER Wednesday.

...Mr. MELVIN MAURER and WESLEY ULRICH motored to St. John Sunday.  Wesley remained there with his parents and Mr. Maurer returned.




The Sprague Advocate, January 26, 1917          

...MRS. CLARENCE MILLER went to Cheney Monday with MRS. GEORGE MILLER

...A wedding dinner was given at CLARENCE MILLERs in honor of the newly-weds, MR. and MRS. FRED MILLER.  We extend congratulations and wish this couple a long and happy life.


The Sprague Advocate, February 16, 1917         

...ALVIN WOOD has just recovered from the measles.  Little DARRON has them now.

...Mrs. HARRIET OLSON is visiting GEORGE MILLERS a few days.

...Mrs. MEAD is quite sick at home.  The doctor was called from Cheney to see her Monday

...Mrs. KNIGHT our Ronda teacher gave a valentine party Friday night.


The Sprague Advocate, December 13,1918

...The ANGUS BAKER family are all sick with the flu.  The doctor is in attendance and they are all getting along nicely.

...The baby of Mr. and Mrs. CLARENCE MARSH was quiet(sp) sick one day last week but is better again.

...FRED MILLER's had their house repapered last week.

...MR. STANAFORD did some repair work on the JASPER CLEAVE's house recently.

...MRS. D. RUNYAN formerly of Fairview came up from Oregon for a visit with her daughters here.

...A letter was received from JIM MATHEWS, who had been at the battle front and wounded, but is now in Canada and expects to arrive in Rodna most any day now. Mr. MATHEWS was formerly employed at the JASPER CLEAVE ranch.


The Sprague Advocate, August 25, 1921    

...A grass fire started just east of Rodna last Saturday afternoon doing considerable damage to Charles Miller, burning three lare grain stacks and all the buildings on the old Sanger place.  The barn there had just been filled with hay and more than 200 acres of good pasture was burned over.  No insurance...which means quite a loss. It is supposed the fie started from a train which had just passed by.

...The population in Rodna still on the increase.  A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cree last Saturday, August 20.  Mrs. Cree was formerly Miss Muriel Barnhart.

...The Misses Edna and Pearl Hays of Sprague were Sunday visitors at the Garner home.

...Mr. Garner and Miss Mayme, Eddie Garner and Mrs. Fred Miller and baby motored to Spokane Monday.

...Mrs. Clarence Miller entertained the following from Sprague at Williams' lake last Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Axtell, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Browne, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Child and Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Strang.

...W.J. Standerfer finished haying and harvesting last Friday.  Mrs. Standerfer was poorly for a few days last week, but is better again.

...The new Cheney road is well under way and makes traveling almost impossible to Cheney, but we hope to have a fine road in the near future.


Cheney Free Press, July 28, 1933  

...GEORGE MCDANIEL passed away at the Sprague hospital, Friday, July 21, after a slight stroke of paralysis. He was one of the early settlers in this community. He is survived by his wife,  Mrs. ANN MCDANIEL.

...WILMA JORDAN returned home  Friday after spending a week visiting at the CLARK REED home at St. John.

...BERYL BARNHART of Cheney is spending the week at the home of his sister, Mrs. WILSON CREE.

...Mrs. F. E. BROBST and Mrs. WILSON CREE and Evelyn were Saturday afternoon visitors at the ROBERT BARNHART home in Cheney.

...The LEO MOIVIN family, who have been making their home at Lewiston, have moved to Coeur D'Alene.

...Mrs. MARY WEIPERT of Cheney, spend several days last week visiting at the RUSSELL HOOPINGARNER home.

...Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD GARNER, JR., and son and Miss MAMIE GARNER made a trip to Spokane Friday.  Mr. and Mrs. OTTO FUESTAL were also Spokane visitors Friday.

...MARY LOU CROCKETT is recovering from the measles.




  The Creston News, October 25, 1901    

---E. C. DAVIS returned to Almira Monday.

---Mr. and Mrs FREYMAN, who have been visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. PARK, started to their home in Ohio yesterday.

---MIKE KUNZ lost a valuable horse one day last week.  A veterinary surgeon was sent for but came to late for relief.

---JAMES COPENHAVER had his sale last Wednesday and expects to locate soon with his family for his ___home in Virginia.  May success follow him.

---FRANK HUDKINS spent Saturday night and Sunday with home folks.

---MIKE KUNZ and wife departed last Monday for two months visit at their old home in Illinois.

---ARTHUR HAIGHT, a brother of Mrs. GEO McCALLS, arrived last week from Missouri to look at the country.  He expressed himself as well pleased so far.

---A part of twelve started from here Monday morning to Badger Mountain to locate claims in that country.

---REV. RUTHERFORD of the First Baptist church will preach his farewell Sunday.

---JOSEPH KUNZ and family, owners of the twin "quartet" have purchased land near Hesseltine and moved there the first of the week

---EVER PEDERSON has completed his new house and moved into it.

---CHARIE MANGIS was in town Wednesday buying a household outfit.  He will locate on the ranch near town.

---What men have to stand in line now waiting for cars, taking turns as they do at the general delivery window of a post office.


The Creston News, October 13, 1905

...MRS. EVANS, mother of Mrs. D. C. EDWARDS went down to Coulee City Monday evening for a visit with her son DAN EVANS of that place.

...Mr. N. C. DAVENPORT, formerly of Sherman but now of Bellingham, is spending a few days with his son, R. L. DAVENPORT.  Mr. DAVENPORT is just returning from a visit at his old home in Virginia.

...REV. MYERS of Wilbur, preached an able sermon Sunday to a very appreciate audience. Services will be held every second and fourth Sunday of each month at 11 o'clock, at the Baptist church.

...Mrs. ANNA CARPENTER of Okanogan country, is visiting her parents Mr. and MRS. Wm. ROBERTSON. 

...Mrs. BERT WRANS, who was taken to Spokane some time ago for treatment is improving slowly.




The Creston News, Feb 15, 1907  

...Quite a number of young people met and surprised Mr. BILLINGSLEY last Saturday night.  They danced till nearly twelve and then partook of a nice oyster supper and returned home.  We wish Mr. Billingsley many happy returns of the evening.

...Miss MYRTLE CLARK is on the sick list his week.

...H. E. BROCK went to his homestead Monday.




The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, Washington, Friday, December 19, 1913

...Spring Valley, Dec. 16---Mr. and Mrs. McPHETERS, who have been visiting for several weeks at the home of T. M. BROOKS, returned to their home in Oregon, Monday.

...CHAS. and RAY SPERRY of Reardan, are cutting wood on the MARHT timber quarter.

...Those of the Valley who installed telephones last week were L. H. KELSO, T. M. BROOKS and L. E. FERGUSON.

...Miss LEILA BROOKS went to Reardan Monday for several days visit and two have some dental work done.

...LOU LANG and GILBERT LITTELL of Waukon, were hauling wood from the valley one day last week.

...Misses KATE and LEILA BROOKS and EDNA LOSHER attended the home talent play at Long Lake Saturday night.

...LEN KELSO is kept busy the past two weeks doing blacksmith work, being required to turn work away almost every day.

...JOE WYNCOOP of Reardan, was down after a load of wood Monday. 


The Lincoln County Times, Davenport, Washington, Friday, November 13, 1914

...The news of the death of H. L. KELSO at his home at Freewater, Oregon, November 5, came as a shock to his many friends here where he made his home for nearly 10 years.  Mr. KELSO was 67 years old and leaves a wife, three sons and three daughters and 16 grandchildren.  The remains were shipped to Mondovi.

...M. L. AUSTIN finished a well for T. M. BROOKS last week at a depth of over 400 feet, but with a fine flow of water.

...LEN KELSO, wife and son, CLAIRE went to Freewater last Friday in response to a message announcing the death of his father.

...The news was received last week of the suicide of HARLAN FISHER, aged 16 years, near Freewater, OR.  Harlan was a good, kind hearted boy and the blotting out of his life is a sad shock.  He was buried at Weston, Oregon.

...MRS. Wm WYNCOOP and children came up one day last week from her home across the river and visited until the following day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. HOLMAN.

...Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MOORE, Mrs. B. HOLMAN and little daughter, MARTHA, Mrs. A. J. HOLMAN and Mrs. N. E. LAIR and daughter, FERNE, attended the funeral of H. L. KELSO  at Mondovi today.

...Miss EDITH MCDOUGALL visited Sunday night at the GLOTFELTY home.




The Sprague Advocate, January26, 1917     

...MRS. ROY PARSELL and son MILLARD were callers at MRS. JONES Tuesday.

...MR. PROCTOR was a business caller in Tyler Wednesday.

...JONES' Store is having their ice house filled.  MR. HAM is doing the work, ice is 20 inches thick.

...MR. and MRS. J. ABBOTT spent Thursday evening with the JONES family.

...Cottage prayer meeting was held Thursday afternoon at GRANDMA ABBOTTS.


The Sprague Advocate,  December 13, 1918

...REV. DENNY went to Pullman Wednesday morning and his wife and son, ORVAL, will return home with him as we hear ORVAL is on the mend.

...O. B. JONES attended the funeral of BOONE GRIER at Cheney Tuesday the 10 of December.

...RAYMOND PEASLEY is visiting at the home of C. K. BROWN


The Cheney Free Press, August 20, 1926  

...Mrs. J. O. BENJAMIN of Ellensburg was here last Saturday looking after business interests.

...Jack Kirkham of Lind visited Tyler friends Sunday.  He used to live here a few months ago.




Have fun finding your ancestors?? More coming sooon..........


This page last updated January 13, 2009..


Some of these newspaper articles were submitted to the Lincoln County, Washington GenWeb by Barbara Curtis, and some by + Shaun K. Young,  and typed "as is" by Rella Gleaton. Used with permission


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