Newspaper "tidbits" of towns in Lincoln County, Washington.......

(Listed chronologically  by date.  New items will be added periodically.)  

Submitted by Barbara Curtis


Happenings at.......Sprague

Page 1 



The Sprague Herald, October 14, 1891     

...R. R. JONES has just received and put in place in his furniture store some very handy machinery. He can now turn out a chair bottom all the same factory....

...Mrs. E. C. BROWN, sister, to Mr. B. B. GLASCOCK, has moved in Sprague from her Harrington ranch and is occupying the house on B street. Mrs. Brown has made the move in order to give her children an an opportunity to take advantage of our superior graded school facilities.  Mr. FRANK BROWN will look after affairs at the ranch.

...HON. R. A. HUTCHINSON was in the city on Monday, from his home at Mondovi.  He says the farmers  in his neighborhood are not in the least discouraged at the small crop of this year....


The Sprague Herald, Dec. 20, 1893   

...W. H. LOTHER is in the city.

...B. C. SECORD was down from Spokane last Sunday.

...E. F. BENSON of North Yakima was in Sprague a short time yesterday.

...PHIL H. DENCER, the dentist, is attending to business at Davenport this week.

...Train Dispatcher, J. L. DeFORCE has returned from St. Paul.  Of the result of his mission this deponent did not say.

...WM. WALLACE and family departed for the east the first of last week.  They will spend the holidays with the parents of Mrs. WALLACE who reside in St. Paul.

...E. H. HUTCHINSON has retired from the business management of the Spokane Outburst and will hereafter devote all his time to the management of the Spokane Auditorium Orchestra.

...WILLIAM MONROE, of the western part of the county, was brought before JUDGE MOUNT last week upon a charge of lunacy.  He was discharged, the Judge evidently thinking a bath all the accused was in need of.

...WILLIE MICKLES, a young lad about 15 years old, while out skating Monday evening, fell and threw his right elbow out of place, and caused a slight fracture of the same.  He will carry his arm in a sling for a few days now.


The Sprague Times, September 8, 1899      

...Mrs. WM. RINGWOOD, SAM BOYER, S. HARPER, N. S. CASE and DICK EVANS are on the sick list his week.

...H. F. MENGEE and wife of Fairfield are visiting in the city.  Mr. Mengee was at one time in business in Sprague.

...The annual land slide at Green River on the Cascade Mountains played havoc with the N. P. train service this week.

...Mr. T. A. DAVIES of Ohio City, Ohio, arrived in the city today.  Mr. Davies is the new principal of the Sprague Schools.

...CHARLIE LITTLEFIELD, who visited for several days in our city, left on Tuesday night for Seattle where his parents now reside.

...B. L. GORDAN, C. W. SMITH, D. F. WETZEL and E. J. DYER of Spokane were on a hunting trip in this vicinity the first of the week.

...ED GARVEY is short a finger nail and carries a badly bruised hand as the result of being kicked by a horse early in the week.

...Mrs. A. VAN ALLEN and Mrs. J. W. GREEN went to Spokane yesterday to attend the Methodist Conference, Mrs. VAN ALLEN being a delegate.

...The rainstorm of Monday stopped telephone communication with Spokane, also threshing and harvesting operations in the country.


The Sprague Times, October 5, 1900

...E. W. EMMONS, a druggist of Wardner, Idaho, and Miss MYRTLE BAUGH of this city were married at Spokane last Monday by the REV. P. A. COOL.

...Misses MAE KEATON, LULU DAWELL and NELLIE MCGINNIS, who are attending the Normal School at Cheney, spent Sunday with home folks in Sprague.

...STOOKE & AMERY report the sale of Mitchell hacks to MEDINA & BROWN, T. A. COLYAR and DOC FOLSOM.  A Mitchell buggy to JOHN DAVIS and a gang plow to E. CRAMER.

...BEN ETTELSON, MIKE HILGERS, SAM LONG and HENRY MCGINNIS have made up a deer hunting trip and expect to start for the mountains in a few days. 

...All person knowing themselves to be indebted to CHARLES G. SEAMAN will please settle their account at once as all accounts will soon be placed with an attorney for collection.

...CHARLEY SEAMAN is the first to announce himself as a candidate for the office of city clerk and marshal.  Charley is a good fellow, and old timer and would no doubt fill the office with credit to himself and to the citizens as well.

...WM. GEMMILL of Wilbur, republican candidate for the county commissioner was in the city yesterday looking after some property interests.  He is not campaigning but is making votes wherever he goes as he carries with him the reputation of a man eminently fitted for the office of commissioner.


The Sprague Times, November 23, 1900    

...M. COURTRIGHT recently sold his dwelling to MRS. E. RASHLEY

...Mrs. RICHARD FISH who has been very ill , is some better today.

...A. W. SALISBURY and family have moved from Spokane to Davenport.

...Mr. and Mrs. S. C. KINCH were in Spokane Tuesday and Wednesday.

...GEORGE E. SMITH and C. C. M. SANDERSON were Davenport visitors this week.

...MRS. R. D. ANDERSON has been confined to her bed this week through sickness.

...T. M. COOPER this week sold the A. K. OLDS house on the hill to MARY W. MITCHELL.


The Sprague Times, December 5, 1900

...Mrs. H. W. BONNE went to Spokane yesterday morning.

...V. HERTRICH has been laid up with a bad cold for several days.

...ARTHUR BROWN has been added to GEHRES & HERTRICH's force of clerks.

...Miss MATTIE DIAMOND of Mass. is visiting with MRS. J. STARLIN and family.

...REV. J. T. HOYLE this week purchased a new top buggy of L. C. FISHER.

...Mr and Mrs. FRANK MONROE attended the Fruit Fair in Spokane yesterday.

...Mrs. C. G. AUSTIN of  Seattle is visiting in this city the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. M. D. SMITH.

...M. MULLETT and Miss GERTRUDE MULLETT of Spokane attended Mrs. SANDERSON's funeral yesterday.

...JUDGE and Mrs. C. H. NEAL and Mr. I. KNAPP of Davenport attended the funeral of Mrs. SANDERSON yesterday. (see SANDERSON obituary in Lincoln County Obituaries)

...Mrs. J. W. MERRITT of Spokane, who was called to the bedside of Mrs. SANDERSON last Tuesday, returned home last night.

...Mr. JAMES  YEEND and Mrs. COX, brother and sister of  Mrs. T. AMERY, are visiting in this city accompanied by their families.

...A BARGAIN---Six room dwelling with windmill, tower and tank, house and grounds piped, nice lawn.  Inquire of T. M. COOPER.

...Miss NELLIE A. LADD, formerly of this city, and WALTER MASON were married at the bride's home, near Tyler, Thursday of last week.


The Sprague Times, Nov 23,1900   

...M. COURTRIGHT recently sold his dwelling to Mrs. E. RASHLEY

...Mrs. RICHARD FISH who has been very ill, is some better today.

...A.W. SALISBURY and family have moved from Spokane to Davenport.

...GEORGE E. SMITH and C. E. M. SANDERSON were Davenport visitors this week.

...Mrs. R. D. ANDERSON has been confined to her bed this week through sickness.

...T. M. COOPER this week sold the A. K. OLDS house on the hill to MARY W. MITCHELL


The Sprague Times, April 5, 1901

...E. H. SHAFER was here for several days this week bidding farewell to old friends. Mr. SHAFER has quit the railroad company is going to his home in Indiana.

...WALTER S. EKINS  yesterday purchased a new wagon of L. C. FISHER. Walter is getting ready to go up into the Colville county to go into the freighting business.

...HENRY WHITAKER was doing some antics on stilts the other evening and now wears his arm in a plaster cast.  His arm was  broken at the wrist when he picked himself up.

...STOOKE & AMERY report the sale of the following farm machinery this week:  REV. HOYLE, a harrow; R. THACKER, a John Deere plow; JARVIS SWANNACK, a seeder; and PARKS BROS., a disc harrow. *


The Sprague Times, September 05,1902    

...Fire consumed between 400 and 500 sacks of wheat for JOHN W. SHIELDS last Tuesday.  This is the second lot of wheat that Mr. Shields has lost this fall.  The fire caught from the cinders left by the threshing engine.

...JOHN EVANS took in the Elk's carnival at Portland this week.

...W. J. BURROW, the old pioneer, is here today from Rathdrum.

...W. E. GIBSON was a Spokane visitor yesterday.

...Say, have you seen that nice line of ribbons at Lewis' store.  Oh; my; they are the swellest thing in town.

Call and inspect.

...A drunken harvest hand was robbed of $30 last night while asleep in the alley back of the Silver Club Saloon.  Two suspects are now in the city jail awaiting an investigation.


The Sprague Times, September 12,1902     

...HIRAM STAUFFER, who for many years has pumped the water for the N. P. company, left Tuesday for the company hospital at Missoula to undergo an operation for kidney trouble from which he has been a long suffering victim.

...Miss CLARA PRESCHER, who was taken to Spokane last Sunday to undergo an operation for appendicitis, is reported as getting along very well.  She stood the operation excellently and her rapid recovery is expected.

...The Columbia River Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church held at Colfax appointed W. HOSKINS to succeed R. A. GAILEY as pastor of the M. E. church in this city.  Mr. Gailey goes to Harrison, Idaho.

...Mr. and Mrs. E. W. WELLS left Tuesday morning for New York state where they will spend six weeks with old friends.  Mr. Wells is one of the wealthy stock men of this locality.

...RUFUS CAMPBELL left Saturday morning for Vancouver, accompanied by his son, whom he left at the state school in that city.  Mr. Campbell returned the first of the week.

...REV. P. B. JACKSON, formerly pastor of the Congregational church of this city, was a visitor here yesterday.  He is now located at Plains, Montana.


The Sprague Times, September 19,1902    

...BEULAH MAY WILEY, the six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WILEY, late arrivals from West Virginia, died in this city yesterday afternoon.  The remains were interred in the Gresham cemetery this afternoon.

...JOHN, MIKE and JOE BRISLAWN, HENRY PORAK, BERT JONES and FRANK ALEXANDER will leave the first of the week for Pullman to enter the Washington Agricultural College and School of Science.

...MRS. A. GENT, who lived five miles from Wilbur, took a dose of strychnine, with suicidal intent, Monday morning last, and died shortly after.  No reason was given for the deed.

...The new Catholic church will be dedicated on Oct 21.

...For Sale-- My black driving team, surrey, rubber-tired road wagon, 1 set double harness, 1 set single surrey harness, T. M. COOPER

...REV. WILLIAM HOSKINS and wife arrived here Wednesday night.  Rev. Hoskins is the newly appointed pastor of the M. E. church.

...H. F. MENGEE and JOHN L. GARVEY are serving as petit jurors in the U.S. court at Spokane this week.


The Sprague Times, September 19,1902     

...WILLARD UNDERWOOD, one of the pioneers who weathered the hard times of the early nineties and is now on easy street, has been enjoying a visit from his sister, Mrs. MARIETTA TAYLOR of Roseville, Illinois, who he had not seen before in 34 years.  Mrs. Taylor, although 71 yrs of age, stood the trip remarkably well and greatly enjoyed her first visit to the west.  She was accompanied by her son, ANDREW and his wife.  The party left for home yesterday morning.

...Having purchased C. W. McCOY's business I am now prepared to list your property, sell you a house or a farm, to make you a loan, or write insurance...JOHN C. MARTIN

...CHARLES BURROW had a visit from the sack thief this week.  Five hundred and fifty sacks of wheat were emptied and the sacks stolen.  JOHN PENNINGTON also lost a few sacks of wheat and a number of empty sacks.  The team which hauls these sacks is a horse and a mule.

...W. A. BUCKLEY is mourning the loss of his little white mare which has been missing for a couple of weeks.  She is branded 6K on the left shoulder and is shod all around.  Any information regarding her will be gratefully received by this postmaster.

...FRED JENKINS, who worked in the master mechanic's office here some eight years ago, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in this city.  Fred is now a full fledged dentist and has a good practice in southwestern Iowa where he makes his home.

...Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS FLAHERTY and daughter returned Saturday from Seattle.*


The Sprague Times, September 20, 1902   

...THOMPSON SMITH left Monday morning for North Yakima where he will remain permanently if a suitable business opening can be found.  He was accompanied by his daughter, TRIXIE.  Mr. Smith has lived in Sprague for nearly twenty years.  He has been engaged in several business ventures and has tried his hand at farming, in all of which he has been successful.  He is a man of considerable means and sterling honesty and wherever he locates that community will have gained a very desirable citizen.  

...W. J. BURROW, one of the old timers of this section, but of recent years a resident of Idaho, returned with his family Monday to make this his future home, satisfied that this favored section has few equals and no superiors.  Mr. Burrow has sold his property interests in Idaho.  He still owns his old place east of Sprague.

...Mrs. SARAH CHARBONNEAU died at her home Tuesday at the ripe, old age of 72 years.  The funeral services were conducted from the Congregational church Thursday afternoon, REV G. H. WILBUR officiating.  The remains were laid to rest in Lake View cemetery.*


The Sprague Times, Oct 10, 1902 

...Mr. and Mrs. J. S. LUCAS, who visited for a couple of weeks in Pendleton and vicinity, returned home last Saturday.

...C.W. McCOY reports the sale of the NE 1/4 section of 27-19-39 to J. R. PIT of Ottawa, Kansas.  Consideration $2,500.

...Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE OLSON of Kellogg, Idaho, are the guests of Mrs. Olson's mother, Mrs. CLARA MILLER.

...LEO CLINTON has been laid up this week with several well developed boils and various other ailments.

...THOMPSON SMITH has returned from North Yakima, being unable to find a suitable business opening there.

...Mrs. DAN STAIRS and Miss MAMIE SHIELDS left Wednesday morning for McCoy, Oregon, to visit relatives.

...Mrs. J. E. BITTNER, who was operated on in Spokane last week for appendicitis, is doing very nicely.

...HORACE  PARKER is building a neat little cottage near his home for his daughter, Mrs. ROBT. VENT.

...Mr. and Mrs. VICTOR HERTRICH and FATHER VAN de VEN were visitors in Spokane Monday.

...W. R. WOODS, WILBERT WHITAKER and PETER FAHEY were among the Spokane visitors Monday.

...Miss LELIA VAN ALLEN and Mrs. F. C. LUCAS were visitors at the Spokane Fair this week.

...AARON MILLER has just completed a large and conveniently arranged new barn on his farm.

...JOE WHALEN is now working in Cheney.

...If you want a suit, overcoat, or mackintosh, se A. R. MOORE, agent for American Woolen Mills, Chicago, Ill., at SHAWGO's. *


The Sprague Times, Oct 16, 1902   

...AUGUST WITT has just completed $7000 worth of improvements on his farm north of Sprague.  The improvements include a pump house and a barn 44/ 80 feet and a two-story 10-room house 32 x 38 with basement, baths and closets.  The house is piped with hot and cold water and has all modern improvements.  H. P. NICHOLS was the contractor in charge of the work and Mr. Witt is well pleased with the way he fulfilled his contract.  Mr. Witt is a well-to-do farmer who raised a large crop this year and sold it at the top figure- 77 3/4 cents.

...DAVE VINYARD and his crew of men swung the old county jail into place yesterday afternoon on the foundation of the old city hall.  The building was moved down the hill in the very best of shape and when the city gets it fitted up will be a very creditable building. The lower part will be the city jail and the upper story the council chamber and city offices.

...You can buy ginghams at 6c per yard and calicoes at 5c per year at Lewis' store.  These are not special cut prices but our common every day prices.


...W. CODY and L. BOSWORTH have opened up an office on Steenth Street and are now ready to clean chimneys at a very reasonable price.

...C. E. McCOY & Co., report the sale of 3 lots in Hay's Park, Spokane, for $1500 and a business lot in Hillyard for $3000.

...For sale-- New five room house and two lots. $500.  C. W. McCoy & Co.


The Sprague Times, Oct 24,1902  

...HON. GEO. E. SMITH returned yesterday from a campaign trip through the county with GOVERNOR MCBRIDE.

...Mrs. WALTER S.  EKINS returned the first of the week from a visit with friends in the Colville Valley.

...JOSEPH MCGOFF, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. PETER MCGOFF has entered Gonzaga college in Spokane.

...FRANK SEAMAN and wife are now keeping house on First street just west of THOMPSON SMITH's.

...Mrs. CLARA MILLER left Monday for Chicago where she will visit friends for several weeks.

...Miss NELLIE O'DONNELL and mother of Cheney were the guest of Mr. JOHN EVANS this week.

...Mrs. Benj. BUCKLEY spent the week with the Robt. McLAREN family near Edwall.

...The Misses LANE of Spokane were the guest of Mr. F. GEHRES this week.

...The total registration for North and South precincts is 379.

...JOE COLLIER's bakery will start up with a trail baking tomorrow.

...CAREY MELCHER is now clerking in GEHRES & HERTRICH's store.

...HUGH MCQUAID was a business visitor in Spokane yesterday.

...W. B. LOTTMAN of Spokane was here again this week.

...WESLEY MARSH went to Spokane yesterday morning.

...JAMES MEADE is now clerking at the post office store.

...ARTHUR HALLIN, deputy county auditor, was here from Davenport a couple of days this week visiting his sister, Mrs. N. B. McKY.

...Mr. and Mrs. E. W. WELLS have returned home from their trip to New York state where they visited many of their friends of younger days.*


he Sprague Times, Oct 24,1902 

---C. G. HETTMAN, whose home is in Rocklyn, Lincoln county, was here Tuesday talking with voters.  He is a Republican nominee for county treasurer and asking the support of the voters in the coming election.  Mr. Hettman is of German parentage but was rained in this country.  He has never before sought office in the west but was county treasurer of Monroe county, Wisconsin, for two terms.

---MISS NELLIE O'DONNELL and HENRY L. STINSON of Cheney were married Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother.  F. PYPERof Davenport performed the ceremony.

---FRANK MONROE, who has been the manager of the Figure Three ranch for several years, has been succeeded by THOMAS A. SIRGINSON, who with his family will move out onto the ranch...Mr. Monroe and family have moved to their own ranch three miles southeast of town.

---DONALD MCMILLAN, wife and daughter came down from Spokane Sunday to visit with Mrs. and Mrs. LEROY MARTIN.  Mr. McMillan, who is an engineer  on the N. P. has to return to his work Monday morning but Mrs. McMillan and the baby stayed several days longer.


The Sprague Times, November 07,1902  

...Mrs. WINNIE WHALEN, proprietor of Hotel Sprague, was in Spokane on business Monday.

...B. C. SIRGINSON is building a very pretty cottage on Fifth street next to W. G. MITCHELL

...C. W. McCOY has a few choice garden tracts left that he will sell cheap.

...Mrs. J. W. REED was in Spokane last Tuesday.

...WALTER J. GRAY was elected to fill the unexpired term of Mayor COOPER

...The saloon license of MEDDOCK & CALDWELL was transferred to C. E. MEDDOCK.

...The mayor appointed the following election board: Inspector, R. D. ANDERSON; judges, T. C. FITZWATER and DAVID TWIST.


The Sprague Times, November 25, 1903

---A marriage license was issued in Spokane last Saturday to S. S. ZIMMERMAN and EFFIE BUCHANAN, both of Sprague.

---E. L. RENAUD, who has passed the last several years in Alaska, was the guest of his brother Henry here for a couple of days this week.  He is on his way to his old home in Keokuk, Iowa, which he left some 24 year ago.

---Master EDWARD HAWKINS, a manly little fellow from Spokane, is the guest of his aunt, Miss ALICE GARVEY.

---Mr. and Mrs. T. J. CROWLEY of Mohler spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Crowley's mother, Mrs. CRAIG.

---W. W. MORRILL of Hillyard came down yesterday for a hunting trip with his father-in-law, A. VAN ALLEN.

---A. L. SNALLEY went to Harrington Wednesday afternoon to eat Thanksgiving goose with relatives.

---C. D. CHATTERTON, day operator at Hope, Idaho, went to sabbath school in Sprague last Sunday.

---Mr. and Mrs. JOHN SHIELDS returned Wednesday from a couple of days outing in Spokane.

---F. J. GEHRES was called to Spokane Tuesday by the death of his old friend FRANK QUINLIN.

---The entertainment by Miss ELSIE C. COE in the Auditorium last Saturday night was a frost.

---MINNIE LARSON, a sister of OLE LARSON, is a late arrival here from Smaalenene, Norway.

---JOHN GROVES was a business visitor in Ritzville last Friday.

---W. C. WALKER has returned from his trip to LaClede, Idaho.

---C. R. LOGSDON was in Spokane Monday.


The Sprague Times,  February 5, 1904  

...Miss ANNIE MCCAFFREY, a graduate nurse of Columbia hospital, Great Falls, Montana, has purchased Prof. Matthews' heating apparatus and commencing Monday, Feb. 8, will be ready to give massage and dry heat treatment under the direction of Dr. Bittner.

...Auditor ADRIAN S. BROWN attended the Orient banquet Saturday night and spent Sunday in this city.  As an auditor he is filling the bill and although the county officials are about equally divided as to political parties the administration of county affairs has never been more successfully conducted.

...Lost-one red and white yearling street, branded P.M. on right hip.  Upper cut on right ear. Reward for information leading to recovery left at this office or with WALKER S. EAKINS.

...ROBERT POTTS left Tuesday morning for Walla Walla, taking with him his son Charley, who is in poor health, for medical treatment.

...Prof. and Mrs. O. S. MATTHEWS and their two younger sons left Saturday morning for Walla Walla where they will make their first stop.  if the climate there agrees with Mrs. Matthews they may locate there.  If her health does not improve they will continue their journey to Arizona.

...Mrs. D.A. McMILLAN and daughter GLADYS, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. LEROY MARTIN for several weeks, left Tuesday night for their home in Spokane.  They will soon move to Emporia, Kansas, however, where Mr. McMillan is running an engine on the Santa Fe.

...D.W. HOLBROOK and his force of helpers are busy this week shoveling the dirt out of the Sprague hotel and giving it a thorough renovating.....



The Sprague Times, December 2, 1904

---MISS KATE NEILLY left Wednesday night for Anamosa, Iowa, response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of her mother Mrs. T. A. DAVIES will fill her position in the public school during her absence.

---JACK POTTS went to Spokane Tuesday to meet his mother who was on her way here from New York.  Jack's sister Mrs. W. HALL of Seattle, also accompanied him home and will visit here for a short time with him and Robert Potts.


The Independent Times, Sprague, WA, May 17, 1907  

---Word was received here Thursday morning that the farm residence of JAMES NIXON, southeast of Sprague, had burned to the ground with all the contents.  Mr. Nixon, who was in Sprague at the time, says he had $600 insurance, which will not nearly cover the loss. *

---DR. CLARK and the editor of this family journal made a trip to Spokane Sunday evening after 6 o'clock in the doctor's automobile.  The doctor took the machine to Spokane to have it overhauled and the trip was made in a little over two hours, which was good time considering the roads and crippled engine and sixteen miles of the trip in the dark. *


The Independent Times, Sprague, WA, Aug 16, 1907  

   Mr. and Mrs. JNO I. MELVILLE were in Cheney Monday to attend the funeral of GEORGE STEWART who died in Myrtle hospital last Saturday.

...Mrs. C. G. BASTLETT left Thursday morning for her old home in Wisconsin for a visit of three or four weeks with friends and relatives.

...The sewing machine given away by CHAS. BURROW last Saturday on each 50 cent purchase was won by Mrs. J. F. HALL in the drawing.

...J. G. HARE, who has been with the O. K. barber shop for the past few months left Sunday for Davenport where he has purchased an interest in a shop.

...Work on the annex to Hotel Sprague was resumed yesterday.  The contractor had to suspend work on account of not being able to get lumber.

...This office is indebted to OLEF ANDERSON for a bucket of nice, juicy plums raised on his farm northwest of Sprague. This locality produces fine fruit as well as wheat.

...JNO. I. MELVILLE and son KENNETH, GEORGE SCHROEDER and L. J. DECHEUN left Thursday morning overland for Stevens county to look at some land and enjoy an outing at the same time.

...C. E. SANBORN, city marshal of Sprague was here last Monday with two horse thieves who Judge ETTLESON of Sprague refused to give a preliminary hearing and they were brought here to appear before a justice of this place.  Prosecuting Attorney PETTIJOHN refused to stand for such actions on the part of Judge Ettleson and ordered them taken back to Sprague to have their preliminary before Ettleson. Davenport Tribune.*


The Sprague Advocate,  May 02, 1913      

   F. W. ANDERSON cashier of the Lincoln county Bank of Davenport has resigned his position effective May 1.  He will be succeeded by FRED WELLS, formerly assistant cashier and JOE BRISLAWN of Sprague will take the place made vacant by Mr. Well's promotion.


The Sprague Advocate,  September  5, 1913 

...Mrs. J. A. CAMPBELL and daughters who have been visiting on the coast and North Yakima returned home last Friday.

...W.R. LEE attended a convention of undertakers at Portland leaving last Wednesday returning Sunday morning.

...E.A. McKENNA, Freight and Passenger Agent for the N. P. at Aberdeen, was a business caller here Monday.

...ALBERT THEDA is attending the M. E. Conference at Walla Walla and the Methodists will have a resident pastor in about three weeks. 


The Sprague Advocate,  December  26, 1913 

...MISS GLADYS MELVILLE left Saturday to spend a part of the holidays at the home of County Commissioner SAM MCDONALD.

...MRS. CHARLES MCKENZIE mother of DR. MCKENZIE accompanied by her son FRED arrived here Wednesday morning from the Alberta country for a visit at the Mackenzie home.

...JAMES KELLY and wife left last Thursday for Chehalis on a holiday visit.

...Word was received here Tuesday by telephone of the death on Monday night of MRS. JOHN MCGOURIN on the ranch 3 miles north of Edwall. 


The Sprague Advocate,  December  17, 1915

...Light your house and barn with the Dayton Electric System.  It costs nothing for lights after installation.  Get an estimate from E. A. THOMPSON.

...Mrs. E. F. BROOKS leaves Monday for Wetaskiwn, Alberta, where she will visit with her daughter Mrs. KLUMB and family for about a month.

...Miss FRANKIE DINSMORE reports that the dance given at the BALDWIN school; house on last Friday evening was a rousing success and a goodly sum of money was raised wherewith to purchase books for library.


The Sprague Advocate, March 31, 1916

...The WILBUR COCHRAN family departed for their new home at Rathdrum Idaho....a farewell party was given the family at the HARRY MILLER home last Friday....The Cochran family were good folks and we regret their leaving the community...


The Sprague Advocate, July 21, 1916

...A. L. SMALLEY motored to Spokane yesterday.

...J. R. HARDING and wife of Spokane spent Sunday at the ranch here.

...MARY BOECK of Keystone was operated on at Myrtle Hospital on July 16 for acute appendicitis.

...J. E. NELSON railway builder in Oregon, is home with his family this week.

...FRANK WARRINGTON of Amber was here Wednesday for the WILTZIUS funeral.

...Dr. D. M. STRANG, HARRY MILLER and GEO. W. WHITCHER were business visitors in Spokane Tuesday.


The Sprague Advocate, Jan 26,1917  

...Mrs. HARRY DAVIS returned last night from a visit to her parents at Washtucna. A sister came home with her.

...Mr. and Mrs. G. J. STRANG of Alexandria, Minnesota, parents of DR. D. M. STRANG, J. L. BURGAN of Alexandria, an uncle of the doctor's and Mrs. C. B. STRANG, wife of DR. C. B. STRANG of Lemmon South Dakota, a brother of DR. STRANG arrived here last Friday for a visit at the STRANG home.  The doctor went to Spokane to meet the party.

...DR.E.C. HAMLEY of Pasco visited with his parents here Friday.

...Mr. and Mrs. L. J. DECHENNE of Sprague were recent visitors at the big exhibit of Southern California products maintained free to the public in the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.


The Sprague Advocate, Feb 09 1917      

...S. P. WEAVER was in Davenport Tuesday on legal business.

...MRS. MAY HOKE of Troy, Montana, visited her mother and other relatives and friends here this week.

...JNO. I. MELVILLE was in Davenport and Spokane several days this week.

...A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. HERRON of Portland on February 4.  Mrs. HERRON was formerly Miss LYDIA SCHNASE.

...J. E. McGOUGH and McGOUGH BROS. each purchased a Doge automobile from Buckley Agency this week.

...DR. C. M. MACKENZIE and wife, J. F. KUMPF, Miss MANIE CARNEY and JACK LUCAS made a week end party who spent Sunday in Spokane.

...DR. Wm. BAKER returned Saturday from a several weeks visit to his homestead at Oshoto, Wyoming.  He reports the Sprague colony located on homesteads there as very well satisfied with their property.

...Mrs. JIM MURRAY and brother MIKE returned Sunday from a visit to Kaslo, B. C.   They were called there by the illness of their brother PATSEY, a miner, who is recovering from an attack of pneumonia and pleurisy.

The Sprague Advocate, Feb 09 1917      

...THOMAS FLAHERTY returned on Monday night from a trip to Vancouver, Washington, where he had taken his father to visit with a daughter.

...W. A. BUCKLEY and Milt Miller went to Spokane Saturday and returned Sunday with a new Dodge car.  Mr. Buckley went up again on Monday returning Tuesday with another Dodge car.

...MRS. DAVID COLE was called to Walla Walla Saturday by a telegram announcing a serious accident  to her brother, CLARK GILES who fell from a wagon sustaining a blow on the head.  Mrs. Cole returned Tuesday leaving her brother much improved.

...For Sale...Modern house, 7 lots, pump house and a barn. Inquire of MAGGIE GOLDEN.


The Sprague Advocate, Feb 16, 1917      

...Miss KITTIE PAGE spent the weekend visiting her parents in Oakesdale.

...PROF. L. D. BAKER was on the sick list Tuesday afternoon.

...Miss KATE NEILLY, GERTRUDE HAHN and HENRY LUDTKE left for Davenport where Gertrude and Henry were in the County Spelling Contest.

...JOE SMITH was a Spokane visitor Wednesday.

...REV. L. W. FARLAND was a business called in Spokane on Thursday.

...The Ladies Guild fed about 140 people at their dinner on Wednesday evening.  The meal served was well worth the low price charged 35 cents.

...Miss MOLLY BRISLAWN returned Monday from an extended visit...she reports that Mr. and Mrs. BRISLAWN are now in Portland where the latter is taking sanitarium treatment.  MARK is with them and Miss NELLIE is visiting friends in North Yakima and Pasco.

...C.A. OLSON for some time under the guardianship of CHAS. ARNOLD has been declared competent and the guardian has been discharged.  


The Sprague Advocate, Feb 23, 1917      

...Mr. and Mrs. CLARENCE COUNTRYMAN are the parents of a boy born on February 21.

...LOST: Crank for Grant car--M. T. BRISLAWN

...LAMBERT MULLETT and wife are back from their honeymoon trip and have taken their place along with the steady old married folks.

...Miss KATHERINE McHUGH who has been quite ill the past two weeks with a severe case of tonsillitis, returned to her duties at the post office today.

...DR. E. C. HAMLEY of Pasco was up Wednesday in consultation with Dr. J. E. BITTNER on the case of the year and a half old child of CARL HOFFMAN, seriously ill with pneumonia following measles.

...FOR SALE: The Parker house on 5th Street.  Write Mrs. W. H. Vent.

...P. J. McDONALD who has been confined to his home with grip is improved but not able to be out.

...C. B. WILEY, an attorney from Randolph, Nebraska, is in town in the case of the appointment of a guardian for the estate of Mrs. E. BAYER, which is to be tried at Davenport February 28. 

...Used Car for SALE:  1 Ford in good condition. $250. W. A. BUCKLEY.

...Are you interested in the Farm Loan Act?  This is the law under which the government makes loans to farmers at 6% or less for a period of from 5 to 40 years.  If interested write to the U. S. Dept of Agriculture and ask for Farmers Bulletin No. 792.


The Sprague Advocate, March 3,1917 

...LOUIS MIELKE has purchased the FRANK MONROE property and the family have moved into their new residence.

...HENRIETT EDMONSON on Monday evening, in play, wrenched her left arm to the extent that she required medical attention.

...We are informed that H. JENKINS who formerly conducted a cigar store here is now in a bank at Lewiston, Idaho, as cashier.

...Mrs. DUNCAN HENDRY formerly Miss PEARL SHEARER arrived here from England on February 21 and with her three boys is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. JOHN SHEARER at Waukon.  The family lived in Hong Hong,(sp) China for a number of years where Mr. HENDRY worked in the English quarter.  He is now in the English reserves and is in England awaiting a call to active service.  Two of the Hendry children were born in China and one in England where the family have lived for a little over a year.

...MILT MILLER was off duty several days this week on account of getting a particle of carbon in his eye.  He is back to work and anticipates no permanent trouble.


The Sprague Advocate, Mar 16, 1917       

Sprague and Vicinity

...DR. D. M. and Mrs. STRANG went to Spokane Wednesday to attend grand opera.

...LES MANNING on Tuesday purchased a Studebaker auto from the Pioneer Garage.

...PERRY DORTON was visitor in the county seat last Saturday when he received instructions for the work of assessing in this district and was given his supplies and records.

...H. J. WILEY will be in Garvey's barn on Saturday, March 24, to purchase horses weighing from 1150 up and in age from 3 years up.  Must be in good flesh and fairly clean of blemishes.


...Mrs. C. HATFIELD is moving into the LESLIE house.  

...Quite a number of folks have tonsolitis, some bad and some worse.

...FRANK FALKS little boy is quite sick but was some better at last account.

...VERNON ABBOTT and family returned to their home in Spokane last Thursday.

...E. C. OWEN, who has been on the farm about 10 days, teaching his new man the ways of the farm, returned to Spokane, Tuesday.

...REV. E. E. HILLIS, of the American Union Sunday School, stopped off on his way to Lake Valley and took dinner with the JONES family.

...Miss MARIE ABBOTT came home from Mabton last Monday.  Her sister, Mrs. STONE GLASS accompanied her and will visit her parents.

...WILL BETZ is on the sick list.  Also a couple of their valuable cows and the veterinary was called to treat the cows, we understand that he also prescribed for Mr. Betz and both are improving.

...Mr. and Mrs. E. J. GARNER went to Spokane on business Friday returning Saturday.  Mr. Garner reports the roads very bad, the mud being about 6 inches deep to Lance Hills and the snow from 8 to 14 inches deep from there on.


The Sprague Advocate, April 27, 1917   

...A recital given by piano pupils of MISS WELLMAN, assisted by violin pupils of MISS RIME will be held in the Methodist Church Wednesday evening May 2.

...JOHN and EARL SHEARER and sisters GRACE and PEARL who are visiting their parents at Waukon 

attended the Junior Prom here last Friday night.


The Sprague Advocate, November 8,1918  

...IVAN J. PUTMAN suffered an injury Tuesday when a hand ax he was using slipped and almost cut off a half inch or so from the end of his thumb.

...No. 1 alfalfa hay $29 per ton retail, on the car at Sprague.  Car load lots$28.50.Sprague Feed Mill

...CHAS. GEE and FRED DOTSON left Monday for a deer hunting trip in the Chelan country.  RALPH JONES also left for that locality Tuesday on the same mission.

...EDMUND KUPER left Monday morning for Davenport to take the examination for entering the tank corps of the army.  He has been anxious to take up this work and is glad to get his call.

...Mrs. JNO. I. MELVILLE left for Kellogg, Idaho, Sunday upon receipt of information that her son-in-law, S S. CONNELL was ill.  On arrival she found that he had fully recovered.  She left there Monday for Cheney having received a telephone that her mother Mrs. DEAN, was seriously ill with tonsilitis.  She is now reported out of danger and Mrs. MELVILLE will return to Kellogg in a few days to complete her visit and make sure that her daughter and grandson are not threatened with influenza, there being about seventy cases in Kellogg.*


The Sprague Advocate, Dec. 29, 1938   

...The ARTHUR MOOS family losing track of their youngest son, leaving him at church.  The parents in the front seat thought him in the back seat, and in the darkness, those in the back seat supposed him to be in the front seat until they got home and found HAROLD missing.

...The fishing season opened again on Sprague's main street, while MRS. EICHNER successfully angled for gold fish spilled from a fish bowl.

...WARREN WILDER riding from ten miles the other side of Spokane to Sprague Saturday to spend vacation here.  Warren started at 9 o'clock and after numerous stops, got here at 5:30, traveling 1,000 pumps her hour.


The Sprague Advocate, May 25, 1939     

...L. R. GAMBLE, L. C. JOHNSON and GEO. BRUNZELL of the engineering department of the Washington Water Power Company, were business callers in Sprague Monday.

...Mr. and Mrs. Ed SIMMONS, JENNIE PAYNE and ANETA KRAMER visited with MRS. SIMMON's parents Mr. and Mrs. ARTHUR STAUFFER, in Connell Sunday.

...Mrs. Kenneth KUPERS spent the weekend in Spokane with her mother, Mrs. EDWARD KENNEDY and her brothers.  Mr. KUPERS motored to Spokane Saturday evening returning with Mrs. Kuper Sunday.

...Mrs. WAYNE BISHOP returned from Dayton Friday after taking her two sons and daughter down to visit a few days.  Mr. and Mrs. BISHOP left Sunday for their new location at Dayton, ROBERT GIBSON moving their household goods.

...Mrs. CATHRYN SMITH underwent a second operation at the Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane Saturday morning following an operation on Monday, May 15th.  Her condition is critical and relatives were called to the hospital Wednesday morning.

...Miss MARY E. BRISLAWN, who has been with the Northwest Mutual Fire Insurance Company in Spokane the past four years, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. BRISLAWN.

...Mrs. R. M. HOLLIDAY and Mrs. C. J. MELCHER were visitors in Prosser Tuesday.

...Mrs. F. C. BRITCH entertained  dinner in honor of her husband's birthday Sunday.  Covers were place3d for 16 guests.  Two lovely decorated birthday cakes were the center of attraction on the table.

...R. D. WILLIAMS, proprietor of Fishtrap Lake Resort was a business caller in Sprague Saturday.  He announces the opening dance of the season for Saturday evening May 27th......

...JOHN WILTZINS is building a 15,000 to 20,000 bushel elevator on his ranch 15 miles south of Sprague.  Material is being delivered by the Potlatch Yards of Sprague.

..A number of Sprague residents are improving their residences with paint which was delivered by the Sprague Hardware. ATHEL HALL had his home painted in white and the roof done in green.  W. M., SANDBURN also had his house painted but selected a red stain for the roof.  Henry HANSEN's home was painted in white as was the OSCAR TALBERT house.  EMANUEL SILVA selected an ivory color for the outside of his home and TONY EICKNER has his residence painted white.  A total of 175 gallons of paint and oil was used in the above jobs which are an improvement to Sprague's residential section.*



Have fun finding your ancestors?? More coming sooon..........

This page last updated November 19, 2009.

These newspaper articles were submitted to the Lincoln County, Washington GenWeb by Barbara Curtis

and typed "as is" by Rella Gleaton. Used with permission.

Find your relatives name?  Let me know....Lincoln County Co-ordinator.

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