Welcome to Franklin County!

All data, photos, and images have been contributed by researchers like yourself and posted by the county coordinator. Contributions are greatly appreciated.

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Franklin County Images

Photos were generously contributed to the site and are much appreciated!

Click on individual photo or select slideshow. Additionally, by holding your mouse over the image, more details will be shown (if available).

Go to: School Photos

1-Columbia River
2-Pasco, WA, Aerial View
3-Pasco Docks
4-Bridge over Columbia River
5-Pasco, WA
6-Pasco, WA
7-Cunningham Hotel, Pasco, WA
8-Hotel Pasco, Pasco, WA
9A-Pasco High School
9B-Pasco High School
9C-Franklin County Court House
9D-Connell, WA
9E-Gertlar Family
9F-Gertlar Family
9G-Gertlar Family
9H-Unknown 18 year old woman
9I-Bissell Family
9J-Unknown Man
9K-Unknown Family
9L-August and Lena Schlag
9M-Unknown Young Woman
9N-Love Family
9O-Unknown Family
9P-Unknown Men on Camels

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